新华水暖建材厂是一家生产“洁芳”牌冲洗阀、卫生洁具的企业。十几年来,以“科学管理、质量为本”的质量方针,树立了强烈的品牌意识,使“洁芳”牌系列产品在激烈的市场竞争中拥有了一席之地。 “功欲善其事,必先利其器”.精良的生产设备,先进的加工工艺,完善的检测手段和雄厚的技术力量,是“洁芳”产品和稳定的质量,并以其独特的节水功能得到广大用户的普遍青睐.在2000年,“洁芳”通过了ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,使生产加工过程完全规范化,每一件产品出厂前都经过科学而严谨的检测。新华人一直兢兢业业,一心一意为大众生产更完美的产品,使“洁芳”畅销全国各大城市及东南亚各国。 新华人将持之以恒,继续以丰富的经验与创造的天赋,确保其产品尽善尽美.我们竭诚地欢迎您选用“洁芳”牌产品,体味“洁芳”带给您地实惠与惊喜。 Xinhua Warming-water building material factory is a professional corporation which producing ¨Jefa¨ brand flush valve and sanitary cleaner.In the last ten years,we always insist on the principle of ¨Scientific Management,Quality First ¨to build up intensive brand consciousness.Now it has become an outstannding one in the drastic market competition. As the Chinese old saying goes,¨ sharpen the knife before making it better¨the well-equipped producing device,advanced processing craftwork,excellent detection method and solid technique are surely the quality guarantee of credibity and steadibility .What’s more,it is favorable choice to customets for its particular function in saving water. In year 2000, we passed the international quality managing system attestation of ISO9001:2000 standard, which make the production and processing standardized.Every product must be examined and measured scientifically and precisely before output.Xinhua fellow are cautious and conscientious,with the only attention to make the perfect products .As a result,¨Jefa¨ sold well in many cities in China as well as other countries of South-East Asia. XinHua fellow will preserve to ensure providing the most wonderful ¨Jefa¨ inventions with rich experience and creative competence.And Welcome sincerely to choose ¨Jefa¨ inventions with rich experience and creative competence. And Welcome sincerely to choose ¨Jefa ¨products,for there is boon and surprise in it. ...展开
- 联系人姓名:陈业应
- 统一社会信用代码:91350583X11618615J
- 经营范围:铸铜沐浴器、冲冼阀。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
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- 经营状态 行业
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- 1 2024-07-05 化车身铝压铸件关键技钢铝开卷落料线项目术开发项目 7270.0万0万人人民币